Pay them a handsome commission and residual income and support them with an excellent product and backend service. I branched out into internet marketing and advertising from there. There is always more than one way to skin a cat, but focus on one method before you add another. Do not become a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none when it comes to marketing your business.
I would close this article by saying this. You have to become a sponge and spend some time and money learning how to make money working at home. Subscribe to as many newsletters, publications, etc. as your time allows you to read. BUT....Do Not Get caught up in the trap of learning, but not earning.
Take what you are learning and get in the game. Knowledge without action is a waste. If you will apply what you learn you will reap the rewards of the rapidly growing number of people who are happily making money working from home!
Money at Home CLICK HERE