How to Make A Fortune Selling "How-To" Information Even If You Can't Write and Haven't Got A Creative Bone In You Entire Body... By Owning The Rights to 554 'Hot Selling' Reports, Books and Manuals!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


There is no doubt the biggest obstacle you will encounter is finding prospects, customers, traffic, or whatever you want to call it.
This is the number one reason people fail working from home. You have a great product or service, now how do you tell the world about it!!
My advice is to zero in on a main marketing strategy and then branch off from that. I'll give you an example. When I started my small business website design company I decided that signing up affiliates in various large metro areas and providing them with a pre-written telemarketing script and objections/rebuttals list was the best way to attract customers inexpensively.